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1 Political Atheist  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 1:04:19pm

Alternate Headline, given the fact this guy got away

Skinhead Gang Member Shoots Man

2 iossarian  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:12:18pm

re: #1 Political Atheist

Alternate Headline, given the fact this guy got away

Skinhead Gang Member Shoots Man

Hey, don’t malign responsible gun owners! They’re just regular folk like you and me, who occasionally shoot people!

3 kirkspencer  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:22:17pm

One small thing I noticed was how the witness statement differed from the guy who was shot.

Seems the pickup started away, but Harbachuck caught up to it when it stopped at the stop sign. Harbachuck then started banging on the passenger side window. And yes, this is after the woman (driver) had gotten out and back in.

Yes, the shooting was still over the top. But I get this impression that had Harbachuck had a gun there might have been shots from his direction first.

4 EPR-radar  Wed, Feb 20, 2013 2:58:21pm

re: #3 kirkspencer

One small thing I noticed was how the witness statement differed from the guy who was shot.

Seems the pickup started away, but Harbachuck caught up to it when it stopped at the stop sign. Harbachuck then started banging on the passenger side window. And yes, this is after the woman (driver) had gotten out and back in.

Yes, the shooting was still over the top. But I get this impression that had Harbachuck had a gun there might have been shots from his direction first.

If so, then Harbachuk’s constitutional rights may have been harmed by being unarmed at that time.

It is against the second amendment for any moment of rage to have its expression hampered by lack of expression with firearms.

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